Thursday, May 25, 2006

Gospel Quotes

Here are some great quotes about the Gospel

"If you believe what you like in the gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself." (Augustine)

"The whole gospel is contained in Christ." (John Calvin)

"Whenever the gospel is preached it is as if God himself came into the midst of us." (John Calvin)

"There is nothing attractive about the gospel to the natural man; the only man who finds the gospel attractive is the man who is convicted of sin." (Oswald Chambers)

"A gospel that elevates man and dethrones God is not the gospel." (Will Metzger)

"The world has many religions; it has but one gospel." (George Owen)

"The man who does not glory in the gospel can surely know little of the plague of sin that is within him. (J.C. Ryle)

"The revelation of the gospel is to a world that is already under indictment for its universal rejection of God the Father." (R.C. Sproul)

"If the Lord's bearing our sin for us is not the gospel, I have no gospel to preach." (C.H. Spurgeon)

"The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ." (C.H. Spurgeon)

"When we preach Christ crucified, we have no reason to stammer, or stutter, or hesitate, or apologize; there is nothing in the gospel of which we have any cause to be ashamed." (C.H. Spurgeon)

Death by Ministry

Mark Driscoll's blog is one of my favorite reads. Anyone in ministry or married to someone in ministry should read it.

Lost Finale

Well, it was okay. I liked it but it didn't have the terror of last seasons finale. I love the show though and am committed to be here in the fall. What will I watch this summer though?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Article and Envrroments

You should read the above article. It is an interview with the Starbucks global strategic officer.

He talks about Starbucks being the "third place". Fascinating concept.

We are talking alot around our staff on creating enviroments. We really want to move our church toward a strategy of creating relevant ministry enviroments. Now i know that is what North Point says and does but that doesn't mean they own that. Over the past two weeks I have had my staff listen to a great CD called, "The Breakthrough Principle of Irrestibility" by Jeff Henderson. Jeff is the campus pastor of Buckhead Church, which is a campus of North Point. You can order the CD from, it is from the "Thirsty" conference they just put on.

We then went to Ikea, Memorial City Mall (coolest mall in Houston), Eatsi's (one of the coolest resturants in Houston) and talked about what makes these enviroments inrresistible.

Yesterday we watched a talk Andy Stanley gave at the C3 conference in 2004 at Fellowship Church. His whole talk was on creating relevant enviroments. It was amazing! We are going to show that at our leadership retreat in August.

I am so excited about the clarity that our staff and church is getting about our mission to make growing followers of Jesus and now the clarity on how we are going to do it.


Crossbridge today

Well we made it!

We went to two services on April 2nd. We have since added 100 people!

We're moving into the summer now and we are concerned that we will loose some momentum. We are looking at making our Community Groups stronger. I'll post stuff on that I hope.

I'm so excited about the new series I'm doing called "Nametag". It's a series on the names of God. I start it in two weeks. I may even write a book and self-publish it but that will be in the Lord's hands.

It's good to be back.


Lost Season Finale Tonight!

This is it sports fans! I am so stoked. We're going to put the kids down early pop the popcorn, make some slice n'bake and chill the milk. I love this show! I am a JJ Abrams fan!
