Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Confession #1 - I want the church to grow!

My first confession is that I want Crossbridge to grow numerically. We run between 275-300 people right now (that includes children). We celebrated our third birthday in September. i know the average size of the church in America is between 75-90 so I should be grateful and I am. God has changed people's lives at our church and used a sap like me. This past fall I read through the book of Acts that there are many sections that says say things like "and the church grew in number or the word of God spread or the number of disciples increased". Usually following those statements were statements like "and the faith of disciples grew stronger, and fear of the Lord grew in the church." So as I read these texts I have begun to pray that Crossbridge will grow larger and stronger.

I want Crossbridge to grow larger because I want to see more and more people who do not know Jesus cross the line of faith. I don't want to go see Hybels, Stanley and McManus to hear stories about transformation, I want to see God move. I have seen people who one week thought the Bible was full of myth two weeks later profess faith in Christ and two years later are still walking with Jesus. Is it bad to pray and pursure 500 more like that guy. The area we live is full of people who have money, yet are in debt. It's full of families that aren't really loving and close. Men who are passive and give themselves to work. Women who have boob jobs to keep looking young and fit. Kids who drive hummers and take recreational drugs, and middle schoolers having oral sex. They need Jesus! They need to be saved from the penalty and power of sin. They need to know God! I want Crossbridge to be filled with these people.

So I am praying and planning for God over the next ten years to send us thousands of people who become transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"To be continued"


Scott Cheatham said...


Welcome to the blogosphere. I'm in a similar position myself in Denver, Colorado. Check out my blog at

Blessings to you and may God give you a harvest of souls for your work.


Pastor Shawn said...

Amen my brother! I recently resigned (uh a little forcibly) from my plant of 3 years because I wanted my church to grow numerically. Some people say it's wrong to want your church to grow numerically--while they sit on their tush and don't do anything practically to build the kingdom. Amen to your post brother!

Pastor Shawn said...

By the way, I added your blog to my feed at bloglines.com... I'm looking forward to some good leadership insights from all those books you read :).

Jeannie said...

congrats on your baby blog. should i send you a gift? perhaps an ugly garden gnome with a secret key comparment???

hope you enjoy the theraputic effects of blogging. do you mind if i pass on your blog to a couple pastor friends who are planting also? you might get a kick out of their website - www.greenhouseministries.org

Ha, I'm laughing because our last church did the "Extreme Makeover" thing...but will you please do a series called "Lost"? That would be really groovy.
