I have been reading, learning about and treasuring the Gospel of Jesus Christ more and more these days. It seems that over the last few months that God has been bringing this before me. It really all started with the reading of a book by John Piper called "God is the Gospel". As usual Piper nails it. Then I began to have interaction with several leaders in the Acts 29 movement. Guys like Chan Kilgore and Darrin Patrick have been so encouraging to me in how they present the Gospel.
Mark Driscoll's latest sermon on "Missional Ministry" really hits the nail on the head for me about our calling as Pastors/church planters. We have to contend for the Gospel and contextualize the Gospel.
Reading Tim Keller's articles have also been very encouraging and soul giving. I love how he writes that the Gospel is not the ABC's of Christanity but the A-Z of Christanity.
I have a lot in me to get out on this and what it means for our church to be a Gospel-Driven, Christ-Centered and God-Dependent community.
My one true desire today is to "repent and believe in the Gospel" from Mark 1:15. I am seeing more and more that is not only how I became a Christian but how I am to to grow as a Christian. Daily there are new areas for me to repent and believe in.
It is my continous conversion that is blowing me away. That I so easily treasure everything and everybody other than Christ.
I am reading three great works right now to help me in my thinking.
"The Bible in 90 Days". - this is a new product from Zondervan that I am taking my staff through right now. As I read it I am looking for Jesus and the Gospel everywhere!
"Renewal as a Way of Life" by Richard Lovelace - Great book recommended to me by my friend Chan Kilgore. The subtitle says it all "a guidebook for spiritual growth". It is a book about applying the Gospel to our daily lives.
"Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands" by Paul David Tripp - I love this book! It is a book on living our the Gospel in my relationships. As I am going through it I am considering giving it to our Community Group leaders at our Momemntum Weekend in August.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Inside Out Leadership
I have cleaning out stuff recently and found and old notebook from a Willow Creek Student Ministry Conference I went to back in 1998. I flipped through the notebook to see if I should give it away and found a session by Dan Webster. The notes really struck a cord in me since I have been thinking a lot about leadership lately.
Anything good give Webster credit for. Anything bad or not clear, that would be me!
"Facing Change from the Inside Out" by Dan Webster
Change Leader - recognizes that he/she must lead himself into God's presence before he leads anyone anywhere.
What Does a Change Leader Look Like? - Matthew 23:1-12
1. They are teachable vs. Arrogant
* Great leaders stay teachable and attentive.
* Be humble enough to listen.
* Are their areas of pride in my heart that I need to repent of?
* Where are you resistant to learn from those that God has placed in your life?
2. They are known for integrity vs. Talking
* There is a huge difference between a life that speaks than a mouth that speaks.
* Leadership is not about words but the life we live that is worth following.
* Does our life back up our teaching?
* Integrity - living one life
* Where are you living two lives instead of one?
3. They pursue character vs. Persona
* Persona is guided by image, control, fear, self-interest, and avoidance.
* Character is guided by ethnicity, purpose, openeness, compassion, courage, tenderness, gentleness, and inclusion.
* When people bump into you does Christ or Charisma come out?
* Where and when in your life should you live more out of character rather than persona?
4. They are Christ-dependent vs. co-dependent
* We like the approval of people more than the approval of Christ.
* Don't over exaggerate your own importance.
* Do you live spiritually vicariously through other leaders or do you have your own life in Christ?
5. They are about second vs. first
* Great people have killed the disease of me in life.
* Being a servant is having my heart crushed by Jesus.
So that's that. I hope you will be blessed and challenged by these thoughts.
Anything good give Webster credit for. Anything bad or not clear, that would be me!
"Facing Change from the Inside Out" by Dan Webster
Change Leader - recognizes that he/she must lead himself into God's presence before he leads anyone anywhere.
What Does a Change Leader Look Like? - Matthew 23:1-12
1. They are teachable vs. Arrogant
* Great leaders stay teachable and attentive.
* Be humble enough to listen.
* Are their areas of pride in my heart that I need to repent of?
* Where are you resistant to learn from those that God has placed in your life?
2. They are known for integrity vs. Talking
* There is a huge difference between a life that speaks than a mouth that speaks.
* Leadership is not about words but the life we live that is worth following.
* Does our life back up our teaching?
* Integrity - living one life
* Where are you living two lives instead of one?
3. They pursue character vs. Persona
* Persona is guided by image, control, fear, self-interest, and avoidance.
* Character is guided by ethnicity, purpose, openeness, compassion, courage, tenderness, gentleness, and inclusion.
* When people bump into you does Christ or Charisma come out?
* Where and when in your life should you live more out of character rather than persona?
4. They are Christ-dependent vs. co-dependent
* We like the approval of people more than the approval of Christ.
* Don't over exaggerate your own importance.
* Do you live spiritually vicariously through other leaders or do you have your own life in Christ?
5. They are about second vs. first
* Great people have killed the disease of me in life.
* Being a servant is having my heart crushed by Jesus.
So that's that. I hope you will be blessed and challenged by these thoughts.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The Gathering at Clear Creek
Last week I began a four week teaching series at Clear Creek Community Church (www.clearcreek.org) at their midweek series called "The Gathering". It is a great church led by great guys. I had so much fun last week. These people came ready to worship and learn.
Why is it when you teach in another enviroment you feel a freedom that you don't feel normally at your own church? Is it because they don't know me or that I'm trying to impress them? Maybe since they don't know me, they don't see all my inconsistancies like my church does.
Is it that these believers come ready on Wednesday night to worship and learn but Sunday morning is hard because of the heavy weekend and it's a mix of believers and unbelievers.
The crazy thing is that Tim and our worship band was there. They thought I spoke different that I normally do on Sunday. Tim said there seemed to be more freedom. This isn't the first time I have had this happen.
I'm just trying to figure it out. Sorry for the rambling.
Why is it when you teach in another enviroment you feel a freedom that you don't feel normally at your own church? Is it because they don't know me or that I'm trying to impress them? Maybe since they don't know me, they don't see all my inconsistancies like my church does.
Is it that these believers come ready on Wednesday night to worship and learn but Sunday morning is hard because of the heavy weekend and it's a mix of believers and unbelievers.
The crazy thing is that Tim and our worship band was there. They thought I spoke different that I normally do on Sunday. Tim said there seemed to be more freedom. This isn't the first time I have had this happen.
I'm just trying to figure it out. Sorry for the rambling.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Crossbridge Thoughts
Well we kicked off NameTag this past Sunday. We talked about Elohim - The God of all Creation. We talked about how the God of all Creation is also the God of the New Creation. I am really trying to tie all my sermons to the Gospel and have Jesus be the hero.
We are really blessed wiht a great pastoral team. Tim is my favorite worship leader. I have seen the big guys but Tim is my favorite. Brandon is making things happen. He is a doer, which helps us so much. Crossbridge is blessed to have them.
I was a little nervous about attendance going into the summer. We launched two services back in April and it has been great but with a low Memorial Day I was a little anxious about the dreaded "summer slump". To my great delight and surprise we had a one of our highest attended days since going to two services.
This Friday we are having a family movie night and I am wondering what that will be like. I do not believe the church is in the business of providing non-alcoholic social events for people who don't want to be "in the world" but we are experienmenting with trying to develop some "connecting" events to help move people into friendships and relationship with other Crossbridgers. This is our first such an event. I would be interested in other "connecting" events that portable churches have done and how they worked. We really want to keep moving people from being an attender to a contrbuting partner of the church living on mission.
We are really blessed wiht a great pastoral team. Tim is my favorite worship leader. I have seen the big guys but Tim is my favorite. Brandon is making things happen. He is a doer, which helps us so much. Crossbridge is blessed to have them.
I was a little nervous about attendance going into the summer. We launched two services back in April and it has been great but with a low Memorial Day I was a little anxious about the dreaded "summer slump". To my great delight and surprise we had a one of our highest attended days since going to two services.
This Friday we are having a family movie night and I am wondering what that will be like. I do not believe the church is in the business of providing non-alcoholic social events for people who don't want to be "in the world" but we are experienmenting with trying to develop some "connecting" events to help move people into friendships and relationship with other Crossbridgers. This is our first such an event. I would be interested in other "connecting" events that portable churches have done and how they worked. We really want to keep moving people from being an attender to a contrbuting partner of the church living on mission.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Holy Pastor Batman!
Yesterday I wrote about being a leader that is worth following. For me these days it seems that God is showing me that this has to do with holiness.
I recently listen to an incredible CD by Brian Bloye (pastor of Westridge Church - www.westridge.com) and he talked about being a holy leader. He said that alot is being talked about concerning church leadership today but we aren't talking about the purity and holiness of a church leader.
It so easy to get to pornography as a Pastor. It is so easy to let your mind and imagination run wild. It is so easy for me to watch something inappropriate for my mind but say I'm "exegeting culture".
What does it mean to be serious about holiness as a pastor. So many times I think that means I won't laugh and have any fun. This quote from CS Lewis really helps me with that...
"How little people know who think that holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing...it is irrestible."
Today my office is being worked on for some electrical problems so I am off to Barnes and Noble to study. As I go the quote above and these will be on my mind...
"Oh for holiness! Oh for more of God in my soul! Oh this pleasing pain! It makes my soul press after God." David Brainerd
"Oh God, show me more of your holiness. Show me more of my sinfulness. Help me to hate sin and to love righteousness as You do. Grant me a deeper conviction of sin and a more thorough spirit of repentance. And make me holy as You are holy. Nancy Leigh DeMoss
I recently listen to an incredible CD by Brian Bloye (pastor of Westridge Church - www.westridge.com) and he talked about being a holy leader. He said that alot is being talked about concerning church leadership today but we aren't talking about the purity and holiness of a church leader.
It so easy to get to pornography as a Pastor. It is so easy to let your mind and imagination run wild. It is so easy for me to watch something inappropriate for my mind but say I'm "exegeting culture".
What does it mean to be serious about holiness as a pastor. So many times I think that means I won't laugh and have any fun. This quote from CS Lewis really helps me with that...
"How little people know who think that holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing...it is irrestible."
Today my office is being worked on for some electrical problems so I am off to Barnes and Noble to study. As I go the quote above and these will be on my mind...
"Oh for holiness! Oh for more of God in my soul! Oh this pleasing pain! It makes my soul press after God." David Brainerd
"Oh God, show me more of your holiness. Show me more of my sinfulness. Help me to hate sin and to love righteousness as You do. Grant me a deeper conviction of sin and a more thorough spirit of repentance. And make me holy as You are holy. Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Are you following me?
It is a great and sobering thing to be a leader in a local church. i have been thinking alot about leadership lately. How can I be a better leader and lead myself, family and church to another level.
Hebrews 13:7 says, "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith."
What a sobering verse. The question I have been kicking around is why would anyone want to follow me? Is my faith producing a kind of life that people would want imitate? Not just do I say cool and trendy things, have a blog, and stuff, but is there something about my way of life that would cause people to say, "I'm following that guy!"
I know we are suppose to follow Jesus but Paul said, "Follow me as I follow Christ."
Is my faith something people would want to imitate? Does the way I handle my money, time, marriage, kids, relationships, driving, lawn mowing, shopping, eating, and etc reflect that Christ is my all surpassing treasure to the people in my church?
If you are a church leader I hope you will ponder this question with me. I hope you will decide like me to be the real deal. I have decided that I want to be like Peter and John who in Acts 4 it says that rulers and elders of the people "took note that these men had been with Jesus."
Are we living the life we are calling others to?
Do we have an imitable faith?
Are we smoking what we are selling?
Hebrews 13:7 says, "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith."
What a sobering verse. The question I have been kicking around is why would anyone want to follow me? Is my faith producing a kind of life that people would want imitate? Not just do I say cool and trendy things, have a blog, and stuff, but is there something about my way of life that would cause people to say, "I'm following that guy!"
I know we are suppose to follow Jesus but Paul said, "Follow me as I follow Christ."
Is my faith something people would want to imitate? Does the way I handle my money, time, marriage, kids, relationships, driving, lawn mowing, shopping, eating, and etc reflect that Christ is my all surpassing treasure to the people in my church?
If you are a church leader I hope you will ponder this question with me. I hope you will decide like me to be the real deal. I have decided that I want to be like Peter and John who in Acts 4 it says that rulers and elders of the people "took note that these men had been with Jesus."
Are we living the life we are calling others to?
Do we have an imitable faith?
Are we smoking what we are selling?
This Weekend - Nametag Begins!
This Sunday I begin a new teaching series called "Nametag: Discovering the Names of God". I am excited and nervous about it. i always get nervous and excited before a new teaching series. Nervous because I wonder if it will be any good and is this really what God wants me to talk on. Excited because it is something new. New content, new books to buy and study, new logos and stuff.
The series comes out of a deeply held conviction that the church needs to talk about GOD! We talk about movies, iPods, reality TV, and every felt need but do we talk about God?
One of my favorite quotes that I wil use this weekend - "...the gravest question before the church is always God Himself, and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at any time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like." AW Tozer - "The Knowledge of the Holy"
The series comes out of a deeply held conviction that the church needs to talk about GOD! We talk about movies, iPods, reality TV, and every felt need but do we talk about God?
One of my favorite quotes that I wil use this weekend - "...the gravest question before the church is always God Himself, and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at any time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like." AW Tozer - "The Knowledge of the Holy"
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