Monday, June 19, 2006

Inside Out Leadership

I have cleaning out stuff recently and found and old notebook from a Willow Creek Student Ministry Conference I went to back in 1998. I flipped through the notebook to see if I should give it away and found a session by Dan Webster. The notes really struck a cord in me since I have been thinking a lot about leadership lately.

Anything good give Webster credit for. Anything bad or not clear, that would be me!

"Facing Change from the Inside Out" by Dan Webster

Change Leader - recognizes that he/she must lead himself into God's presence before he leads anyone anywhere.

What Does a Change Leader Look Like
? - Matthew 23:1-12

1. They are teachable vs. Arrogant
* Great leaders stay teachable and attentive.
* Be humble enough to listen.
* Are their areas of pride in my heart that I need to repent of?
* Where are you resistant to learn from those that God has placed in your life?

2. They are known for integrity vs. Talking
* There is a huge difference between a life that speaks than a mouth that speaks.
* Leadership is not about words but the life we live that is worth following.
* Does our life back up our teaching?
* Integrity - living one life
* Where are you living two lives instead of one?

3. They pursue character vs. Persona
* Persona is guided by image, control, fear, self-interest, and avoidance.
* Character is guided by ethnicity, purpose, openeness, compassion, courage, tenderness, gentleness, and inclusion.
* When people bump into you does Christ or Charisma come out?
* Where and when in your life should you live more out of character rather than persona?

4. They are Christ-dependent vs. co-dependent
* We like the approval of people more than the approval of Christ.
* Don't over exaggerate your own importance.
* Do you live spiritually vicariously through other leaders or do you have your own life in Christ?

5. They are about second vs. first
* Great people have killed the disease of me in life.
* Being a servant is having my heart crushed by Jesus.

So that's that. I hope you will be blessed and challenged by these thoughts.

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