Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Racquetball and Community Groups

This morning I got to play Racquetball for the second day in a row with my good friends Tim, Brandon and Joe. I love that game. It is so fast spaced. You hit the ball, you're running, dodging, and even lunging! Today guys were running into walls, hitting themselves in the face with their own racket(a form of punishment for missing an easy shot?),and getting hit with the ball! Wow! We even saw bloodshed in the game.

I have been wanting to get into better shape for a while and honor God with my body. One thing I don't like to do though is work out alone. To be quite honest I cut myself a lot of slack and don't push myself to the limit. I also not quite sure if I am even doing the right things when it comes to training and exercise. I have read books but they didn't do for me.

Now I am in week two of working out with my friends. Joe is our trainer. The guy knows so much about fitness and weight training. He is also quite buff. Joe though is training too. He knows he hasn't arrived and keeps an eye on his health. I have learned that I am weaker than I thought in some areas but just knowing these guys will be showing up helps me get there. I am using muscles I have never used before and really didn't even know that I had!

These same ideas are true for us on our spiritual journey. We can do things by ourselves to grow close to God and we should. We should spend quality time in study, prayer and solitude. But if you are like me you hit a wall sometimes. What am I suppose to be doing? What would be good for me to work on? Then there is self-deception. I'm in pretty good shape spiritually right?

I believe one of the best ways to stay in shape spiritually is to be in small group. At Crossbridge we call them Community Groups. In CG you get to be with people in all different kinds of spiritual shape with all the same goal. Let's get closer to God and grow in our character. There is usually someone guiding the group who is further down the road than other but by no means "the expert". That person is growing too and keeping an eye on their relationship with God. You learn quickly in groups areas where you are weak. For me I learn how impatient I am with others but how I want everybody to be patient with me. Group push you to grow and bear with people. Groups push to exercise spiritual muscles maybe you haven't used before.

This month three new Community Groups will be starting at Crossbridge. If you are not in a group I highly encourage you to check them out. My prayer is that you will be encouraged in this environment to grow spiritually in ways you never have before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Chuck,

Glad to see that you are enjoying racquetball. I came across your blog, while doing a google search. Glad that I did.

If I can be of any assistance, I have a racquetball, handball and paddleball dealership in Tampa, Florida.

God bless you,
Chuck Rousenberg
(813) 765-5120