>"...husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way..." 1 Peter 3:7
Part of my personal mission statement that I believe God gave to me several years ago is to "love my family fully". So this weekend I am seeking to do lean into that by taking my wife on a marriage retreat. We are headed to Family Life's "Weekend to Remember". If you are a pastor it is free for you! Wow, major thanks to Family Life for supporting pastors. I hope any pastors out there will take advantage of this.
I want to encourage you men to really seek to live out what Peter writes about above. What he is saying here is get to know your wives! Pursue your wife! If we are suppose to be modeling Jesus to them (Eph 5) then we should pursue our wives with love just like our Savior pursues us with love.
Let me give you a great first step. In his marvelous book "Sex. Romance and the Glory of God", CJ Mahaney exhorts husbands with a way to apply 1 Peter 3:7
"Do you know how to surprise and delight your wife in specific ways in each of the following areas?
* Sex
* clothing sizes, styles, and stores
* jewelry
* health
* exercise
* books and magazines
* movies
* the arts
* sports
* food
* music
* entertainment
* places to visit
* intellectual interests
* hobbies
* vacations/getaways
* and of course, sex
Do you know how your wife is faring in each of these areas?
* theological knowledge
* practice of spiritual disciplines
* growth in godliness
* spiritual gifts that can be used to serve others
* involvement in the local church
* relationship with children
* relationship with parents
* personal retreats
* fears
* hopes
* dreams
* disappointments
* temptations
How much of this information do you have readily available to you, preferably in written form? How much do you really know about your wife in each of these areas?"
CJ Mahaney: Sex, Romance and the Glory of God p. 32-33
1 comment:
Glad your blogging again. I think Mahaney's book should be required reading for all Christian men - great stuff.
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