Monday, November 13, 2006

Excerpt from UNTAMED pt 4

This is from this weeks message - UNTAMED pt 4 - "Lord It's Hard to be Humble" from Daniel chapter 4.

Humility attracts God and pride repels God.

"Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence upon Him." CJ Mahaney

"This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." Isaiah 66:2

"I hate pride and arrogance." Proverbs 8:13

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6

We are at risk of coming to the end of our life and find that God was opposing us?!

How can we cultivate Humility and weaken pride in my life?

1. Meditate on the Sovereignty of God

meditation is taking a concept and mentally chewing on it. If we will mentally chew on the absolute control of God will cultivate humility in my life! Meditating on the absolute control of God means everything we have has passed through the hands of God. Our nice house, big house, good health, hefty salaries, sharp intellects and everything in between has been granted to us by God. It is Him who moves us and shapes us and places things in our life and upon our paths and when we forget that when our lives are adversely affected.

Meditating on the sovereignty of God should breed in our minds and hearts a need to acknowledge your need for God and your dependence on God.

2. Meditate on the Grace of God

Chewing on the grace of God through the cross of Christ will cultivate humility. The Gospel gives us a humble confidence. As we meditate on the Gospel we see, "I am more sinful than I dared to believe". Think about your best day. You helped an old lady cross the street, you were kind to a small animal, you gave your money to the poor, and you did some relief work. The truth of the Gospel shows us that on our best day we are still wicked before God. That brings humility. The confidence comes from the other side of the Gospel; "I am more loved and accepted in Christ that I dared hope." Jesus took our place on the cross. He lived the life I should have lived and died the death I should have died.

3. Live as a Servant to All

Living as a servant puts our mediation into action. Serving shows me that I'm not that great. Serving shows me that I don't have to be the center of attention in the world. We can become self-righteous though in our service if we are not continually chewing on the sovereignty and grace of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chuck, you have become one of my favorite preachers to listen to. Thanks for teaching in such a life-giving, practical way while at the same time keeping Jesus at the center of each and every message. You're my hero.