Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Flag and The Cross

Last night I saw "Flags of our Fathers" with a group of my friends from Crossbridge. What a great movie. It is excellent. My friend Diego and I talked after that we don't go to movies like that because it is an action/adventure film. We go to learn something. We go to learn history and ponder the message we can learn. Clint Eastwood did not disappoint.

The movie brought about the same feelings that "Saving Private Ryan" did in many ways. I am so grateful for ordinary people who do incredible things for our country. I don't care what your politics are they should be respected. In both films something else came out in me and I'm not proud to admit it. I don't want to go to war. I think about my beautiful wife and precious children. I think I would fight if I had to but the bottom line is I know I would be scared to death. I'm no hero. The movie makes me pray, "Jesus please come back now!" I think about my new son and what if he has to go off to war.

Then this morning I'm reading from kickin book by Mike Erre called "The Jesus of Suburbia." In the book Mike reminds me of the truth. I am in the middle of a war!

"To say yes to Christ is to enter actively into the war that rages around us while most of the world remains blissfully unaware." page 26

"We all want the life that Jesus has for us, but few of us are willing to fight for it. Do we really believe that Satan kills, steals and destroys? Do we really believe he devours?"

We must learn to live in this reality. Not to fear it, but rather be aware of it. Stepping out in obedience to Jesus is dangerous on two counts. First, Jesus is wild and radical and will lead us to places we would probably not go otherwise (though they will always be worth it). Second, we place ourselves in the middle of the great conflict that has raged against God's people for centuries." p. 27-28

"When Allied soldiers invaded Normandy on D-Day, none of them were surprised to find themselves shot at. Nobody was shocked that there was blood in the water or that were casualties in the battle. But when we accept the reality of the spiritual world and the forces within it-good and evil- then we cease being surprised that marriages blow out or that children rebel or that bad things do happen to good people (sometimes precisely because they are good). We will be aware of the temptations, the subtle or overt accusations, or the deceptions that are set against the children of God with staggering effectiveness." p.28

I need to live like everyday is a battle. I don't need to be surprised that war is all around us and the weapons are not guns but prayer, Truth, and kindness. We don't fight for a flag but because of a blood stained cross and an empty tomb. We are a part of a divine conspiracy as the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ.

May we have the guts to follow our dangerous messiah who is good but not safe into the battle!

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